Application Excercise 5d

Greasy chip causes injury The different dispute resolution methods Celeste could use in order to resolve her civil dispute with her neighbour, Claire are mediation, conciliation and arbitration so that parties can resolve the civil dispute themselves, without having to go to court. When attempting to resolve a civil dispute, ADR methods encourage parties to […]

Application Excercise 5c

1. This is a group work task that is required to be completed in pairs or small groups.ROLE PLAY – Students will act out their chosen scenario to the class highlighting how the civil dispute in the scenario would be resolved using mediation. 2. What happens in a mediation session: The mediators will help the […]

Application Excercise 5b

1. Mediation is a civil dispute resolution method that involves an impartial and unbiased third party, referred to as the ‘mediator’, who assists the disputing parties to reach a resolution between themselves by facilitating discussion between the disputing parties. The mediator’s role is to keep communication going between the parties, but they do not offer […]

Application Excercise 5a

AREAS OF CIVIL LAW Achieve each of the principles of justice – fairness, equality and access. 1. awarding compensatory damages Is fair and  equal for everyone 2. a civil jury of 6 people determining a defamation trial Access to a jury Fair trial 3. appealing a VCAT decision to the Supreme Court of Victoria Access to appeal a […]