Legal Groundup

Legal Studies from the ground up

Application Excercise 6d

1. The Commonwealth declares that only Catholics can become politicians inparliament = goes against express right to freedom of religion
2. The Commonwealth states that a person’s right to be compensated if their property
is acquired by the government is not necessary = goes against express right to be compensated for acquiring property on ‘just terms’

3. The Commonwealth indicates in a press conference that the main religion to be followed in Australia is Catholic = goes against express right to freedom of religion

4. The Commonwealth makes a law allowing individuals to be discriminated against based on their state of residence = goes against express right of no discrimination relating to place of residence.
5. The Commonwealth passes a law that states all employees in a workplace and all
students at school must participate in a morning prayer to commence the day = goes against express right to freedom of religion
6. The Commonwealth passes a law that stops people from having a trial by jury = goes against express right to trial by jury.
7. The Commonwealth passes a law stipulating that there is no freedom of interstate trade and commerce = goes against express right to freedom of interstate trade and commerce.
8. The Commonwealth states in a media release via the news that a law has been passed in parliament preventing the freedom of political communication and the freedom of speech = goes against implied right to freedom of political communication